User Connection
We support webhooks for game connection events. This allows you to be notified when a player connects to your game. In order to set it up, go to Dashboard -> Your game -> Edit game info -> User connection webhook URL.
Setup a reachable URL to your service, which will receive a POST request with the following payload:
"requestId": "cluci3tgv00005nfiyy5fc7ak",
"entityId": "yourEntityId",
"userId": "cluwlv3xv0000ue8nas5opvhr",
"connectedAt": "2025-03-19T11:44:33.911Z",
We will call it once for every user that finished Game Connection flow initiated by your game. This includes connecting user to your game via first session Flow. We expect any response code from [200, 201, 202, 204], in case of any other code or timeout, we will retry 3 times, with 30 seconds delay after each attempt.
Webhook will be called for every entityId user connects with.