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NodesManage a Beam nodeUpgrade Beam Node software

Upgrade Beam Node software

To keep your node up-to-date with network upgrades, ensure the latest upgrade.json in the config directory. It should be placed in {chain-config-dir}/{blockchainID}/upgrade.json, when using the installer the folder for Beam is:

  • Mainnet ~/.avalanchego/configs/chains/2tmrrBo1Lgt1mzzvPSFt73kkQKFas5d1AP88tv9cicwoFp8BSn/
  • Testnet ~/.avalanchego/configs/chains/y97omoP2cSyEVfdSztQHXD9EnfnVP9YKjZwAxhUfGbLAPYT9t/

Download latest upgrade.json

cd ~/.avalanchego/configs/chains/2tmrrBo1Lgt1mzzvPSFt73kkQKFas5d1AP88tv9cicwoFp8BSn/
curl -o upgrade.json

Restart your Node

sudo systemctl restart avalanchego