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NodesManage a Beam nodeMonitor your node

Monitoring Your Node

If you want to inspect the process of L1 syncing, you can use the RPC call platform.getBlockchainStatus:

curl -X POST --data '{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "platform.getBlockchainStatus",
"id": 1
}' -H 'content-type:application/json;'

To check if your node is ready to be added as a validator, you can use the RPC call info.isBootstrapped:

curl -X POST --data '{ 
  "method": "info.isBootstrapped", 
  "params": {
    "chain": "2tmrrBo1Lgt1mzzvPSFt73kkQKFas5d1AP88tv9cicwoFp8BSn"
}' -H 'content-type:application/json;'

Refer to the API docs for a response explanation.

To gain deeper insights into your L1, examine the blockchain log. Normally, you can find this log in ~/.avalanchego/logs/ChainID.log. Just replace ChainID with the real ID of your blockchain in your L1.

Beam Mainnet example logfile location: ~/.avalanchego/logs/2tmrrBo1Lgt1mzzvPSFt73kkQKFas5d1AP88tv9cicwoFp8BSn.log

To better understand how your Node and the L1 are working, you can set up a tool called Prometheus+Grafana. This tool helps you monitor their performance and comes with easy-to-read charts for regular operations and specific L1 data. There’s a step-by-step guide available to help you get it all set up.